5 MUST-KNOW drumming technique lessons for every beginner

Many of us have overlooked little technical details on the drums, even if we’ve been playing for years. The truth is you can go really far on the instrument but your playing still be haunted by little technical details holding you back in ways you may not have ever noticed. Let’s cut to the chase and get your technique squared away right now!

These are the 5 biggest technique lessons I’d give my beginner self if I could go back in time, so it’s safe to say that I personally believe these to be the most crucial tips for any drummer’s success. Whether you’re beginner or advanced, I think you’ll gain something from this discussion.

WATCH: 5 Must-Know Drumming Technique Lessons for EVERY Beginner

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Why It Might Not Be Your Fault Your Drums Sound Bad…

I was on a gig recently where I was reminded that it isn’t always our fault if our drums don’t sound their best.

I tuned up my kit at home, got everything sounding good, and I set up at the venue. I started hitting the drums, listening as the sound echoed throughout the fairly large room. The rack tom sounded way lower than it did at home, and the floor tom sounded strange, and the snare had this weird hum going on. Everything sounded fine at home! I had even used that snare at a gig previously where it worked great. Why did the sound of the entire kit suddenly change on me?

This gig was teaching me yet another lesson on “tuning for the room.”

It’s basically a drumming truth that your kit will sound different in every room you play. That’s a given that we can’t avoid. What we have to do is learn how to adapt to different rooms, making the most out of our kit sound in less-than-ideal circumstances. Whether the room’s awkwardly...

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